Sunday, 22 July 2012

How to plan tax

Tax Planning for House
Advanced Tax Planning 
   Effective Tax planning is an important feature to financial success for businesses. The tax laws are the same, no matter what size the corporate taxpayer. The difference is the ability of the large business firms to use......

How to go about tax planning for 2012-13
One of the leading financial planners in Mumbai raised a very pertinent question: Why is it that almost every person has budget for running....
E-filing of Income Tax Return 

Monday, 16 July 2012

How to load library files without setting in QTP

Work without QTP for loading the library files and picked the current path automatically.
    'How to work without QTP with excel and load the vb library without using the QTP tool
    set wshell = createobject("")  
                        CurrentPath =  wshell.currentdirectory    
                        DFA_DFA_Dictionary= CurrentPath & "\DFA_Library\DFA_Dictionary.ini"  
                        DFA_SummaryResult_Library = CurrentPath & "\DFA_Library\DFA_SummaryResult.ini"                         

                                                    AddLibrary DFA_DFA_Dictionary  ' to add library during execution using vbs script        
                                                    AddLibrary DFA_SummaryResult_Library  ' to add library during execution using vbs script     

Function AddLibrary(FileName)
                Dim fsObj : Set fsObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
                Dim vbsFile : Set vbsFile = fsObj.OpenTextFile(FileName, 1, false)
                Dim myFunctionsStr : myFunctionsStr = vbsFile.ReadAll
                ExecuteGlobal myFunctionsStr
                Set vbsFile = Nothing
                Set fsObj = Nothing
End function

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

QTP - Working with text file using VB script


QTP - VB script to write the content of a text file

Set objFileToWrite = CreateObject("Scipting.FileSystemObject")
objFileToWrite .OpenTextFile("C:\myfiletxt.txt",2,true)
objFileToWrite.CloseSet objFileToWrite = Nothing


QTP - VB script to read the content of a text file

Set objFileToRead = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFileText = objFileToRead.ReadAll()
Set objFileToRead = Nothing

Monday, 11 June 2012

QTP - VBS - Row count of an Excel
' Program to display the Row count of an excel file using the VB Script
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
        objExcel.Visible = True
        objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
    On Error Resume Next
        Set objDriverExcel= objExcel.Workbooks.Open("c:\DriverFile.xlsx")
        Set objDriverMainSheet= objDriverExcel.Worksheets("MainThread")
        Msgbox " Row Count" & DriverRowCount
    objExcel.Quit  ' Close all instence of the excel
Set objExcel = Nothing ' Relese the memory of an object

Saturday, 9 June 2012

What is Cloud Testing?                          om

Cloud Testing is a very new topic right now within the software testing industry but some are not aware “Is it testing from the Cloud? In the Cloud? Is it testing the Cloud?” So I thought I would give a very short introduction to Cloud Testing so we’re all on the same page. This is the first lightning talks related to Cloud Testing.

Cloud Testing uses cloud infrastructure for software testing. Organizations pursuing testing in general and load, performance testing and production service monitoring in particular are challenged by several problems like limited test budget, meeting deadlines. High costs per test, large number of test cases, and little or no reuse of tests and geographical distribution of users add to the challenges. Moreover ensuring high quality service delivery and avoiding outages requires testing in one's data center, outside the data-center, or both. Cloud Testing is the solution to all these problems. Effective unlimited storage, quick availability of the infrastructure with scalability, flexibility and availability of distributed testing environment reduce the execution time of testing of large applications and lead to cost-effective solutions.

Cloud - Types of testing
Stress test
Stress Test is used to determine ability of application to maintain a certain level of effectiveness beyond breaking point. It is essential for any application to work even under excessive stress and maintain stability. Stress testing assures this by creating peak loads using simulators. But the cost of creating such scenarios is enormous. Instead of investing capital in building on-premise testing environments, cloud testing offers affordable and scalable alternative.
Load Test
Load testing of an application involves creation of heavy user traffic, and measuring its response. There is also a need to tune the performance of any application to meet certain standards.
Performance Test
Finding out thresholds, bottlenecks & limitations is a part of performance testing. For this, testing performance under a particular workload is necessary. By using cloud testing, it is easy to create such environment and vary the nature of traffic on-demand. This effectively reduces cost and time by simulating thousands of geographically targeted users.
Functional Testing
Functional testing of both internet and non-internet applications can be performed using cloud testing. The process of verification against specifications or system requirements is carried out in the cloud instead of on-site software testing.
Compatibility Testing
Using cloud environment, instances of different Operating Systems can be created on demand, making compatibility testing effortless.
Browser Performance Testing
To verify application's support for various browser types and performance in each type can be accomplished with ease. Various tools enable automated website testing from the cloud.
Latency Testing
Cloud testing is utilized to measure the latency between the action and the corresponding response for any application after deploying it on cloud.

How to Test GWT Application with QTP - Part - 2 :

3. How to automate the Smart GWT Testing.
    3.1.      Work with HP Extensibility Accelerator 1.10.
    3.2      Work with HP QTP with web add-in of Extensibility Accelerator

4.   POC Scenario & Outcomes 7
      4.1.      Login in the GWT Admin Application Smart GWT application. 7
      4.2.      On home GWT Admin Application home page, expend and collapse the RU details 7
      4.3.      Smart WGT showcase control 7

How to Automate the Smart GWT Testing
3.1. Work with HP Extensibility Accelerator 1.10   

        1. Open the HP Extensibility Accelerator
        2. To create a new empty project, select File > New > Project, and use the Web Add-in Extensibility template available in the New Project dialog box that opens specify the name of the project and save.
        4. Click on add new control + button
        1. Specify the control name, description.
        2. Choose the Class type : Base class and Generic Type 
        3.  Select the Map to Controls option.

        4. Open the Application
        6. Click on the Select control button
        8. Mouse over the Smart GWT control and click on the control.
        9. Select the Create Rule button displaying on the top.
        10. Select the Properties option available in the left side.
        11. Add property name by using the + sign.
        12. Save the project from file menu.
        13. Go to the Project menu => Deploy => Deploy the Quicktest Professional
        14. One confirmation message would comes.
3.2. Work with HP QTP with web add-in of Extensibility Accelerator   
        1. Open the smart GWT application
        2. Open the QTP.
        3. Record / capture the smart GWT control.
        4. Execute the QTP test
4. POC Scenario & Outcomes
4.1. Login in the GWT Admin Application Smart GWT application
Successfully captured & run the script of the user name and password with QTP
4.2. On home GWT Admin Application home page, expend and collapse the RU details
Successfully captured & run the script of the expend and collapse the RU details y with QTP



How to Test GWT Application with QTP - Part 1:

1. Introduction.
     1.1.      Overview. 4
     1.2.      Objective. 4
2. Smart GWT Testing. 4
     2.1.      What is HP Extensibility Accelerator 1.10. 4
     2.2.      Pre-request of System for installing HP Extensibility Accelerator 1.10. 4
     2.3.      Steps for Installing HP Extensibility Accelerator 1.10. 5

1.    Introduction
1.1. Overview
To evaluate the new smart GWT application (GWT Admin Application) working with QTP to test GWT components in automated mode along with Scimitar framework.
1.2. Objective
As a QA person I can utilized for functional testing of smart GWT -GWT Admin Application with automation tool QTP and Scimitar.
The primary objective for conducting automation POC for GWT Admin Application:
  • System requirement for installing and using the QTP with smart GWT application.
  • Verify the compatibility of the GWT Admin Application – GWT application with QTP (Automation Tool).
  • Verify the compatibility of the GWT Admin Application – GWT application with Scimitar (Automation Tool).
  • QTP automation script creation/execution using QTP for smart GWT application GWT Admin Application.

2. Smart GWT Testing
In the context of this document, the “smart GWT testing’ refers to the process that performed the functional testing of the smart GWT component with the help of the QTP. We usually unable to capture the Smart GWT component using the QTP 11, it’s required web add-in to recognize the smart GWT component.  HP Extensibility Accelerator tool play a key role that helps us to create the web add-in which enabled QTP to recognize the Smart GWT component.

2.1.     What is HP Extensibility Accelerator 1.10
HP Extensibility Accelerator for HP Functional Testing provides a Visual Studio-like IDE that accelerates and facilitates the design, development and deployment of HP QuickTest Professional Add-in Extensibility support sets. These support sets extend the HP Functional Testing Web Add-in so you can test Web controls that are not supported out-of-the-box like the Smart WT control
2.2.     Pre-request of System for installing HP Extensibility Accelerator 1.10       
PC with a Pentium III or higher (Pentium IV or higher recommended) microprocessor.
Operating System:
  • Windows XP Professional 32-Bit Edition—Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 3
  • Windows XP Professional 64-Bit Edition—Service Pack 2
  • Windows Vista 32-bit Edition or Windows Vista 32-bit Edition—Service Pack 1
You must be logged in to your computer with administrative permissions to install and to use Extensibility Accelerator.
Minimum of 512 MB.
Free Hard Disk Space:
30 MB of free disk space for the Extensibility Accelerator installation.
Additional space is required if you install one or more of the prerequisite programs.
To use Extensibility Accelerator, you must have one of the following Microsoft Internet Explorer versions installed on your computer.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0
HP QTP 10 / QTP 11
2.3. Steps for Installing HP Extensibility Accelerator 1.10                         
The extracted folder contains the following and Double-click Install.exe
Install.exe file
InstallDir folder
ExtensibilityAcceleratorReadme.htm file

Automation Software Testing

This is my first blog that going to write.
Time is a very costly and never back functional so should be take care.

I am a s/w QA engineer with 7yrs experience living in Delhi,  I would like to add my thoughts on a common platform so can be utilized by anyone. I find this is the great place to put all not only technical belong to my field evenly, that i learn from my life by doing hard work and grape the opportunity.

Software Testing

Automation Testing: 

QTP Automation Testing Stuff: I have worked in the QTP automation testing by 4+ years and works lots of customized function and application. I am sharing the same with you.

QTP Testing with Excel 

Smart GWT Testing: Last month i had worked with the test case automation of GWT application and found lots of challenges during working, after putting some extra efforts i able to complete my functional story. Below i shared link about to working.....

GWT Testing with QTP - Part 1: 

GWT Testing with QTP - Part 2: 

Manual Testing

Cloud Computing Testing 

Personal Finance
Tax Planning
